Entomophobia??? Wednesday, February 18, 2009 |
I have a confession to make. I am shit scared of cockroaches!
So much so that I couldn't bring myself to upload a snap of the infamous critter here! Specially when he is looking face up with antenna's moving around. Yeuuuchhh!!! The flying kind can send me fleeing and screaming like a banshee.
And guess what is even more infuriating? A close encounter earlier today, left me wondering what the exact term was for this fear? Yeah, you guessed right. It is Entomophobia . But this term includes the fear of all insects and bugs. It is just not fair I tell you. No bug is as horrific as the roach. Its fear deserves a separate name.
So I search some more and stumble across some sites. They gave the term Katsaridaphobia for the fear of roaches. I do not know whether this is a valid term. Not that I care. I am a content soul just because such a term exists.
That brings me back to my close encounter. Earlier today I entered my room only to see a big brown roach sitting on my copy of "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy". I do not know whether he was trying to convey some subliminal message that he was actually an alien. Which would off course explain their tenacity and adaptability. For a moment I forgot my fears. I found myself wondering if this roach was a hitchhiking kind of an alien or a smarter than human and secretly ruling us kind of an alien. Should I grasp the bigger picture the book tries to convey(I am still reading it) and live and let live?
The roach probably found my lack of reaction encouraging and proceeded to spread his wings.

Need I say more? What followed was a scene from "The Matrix". Me bending down and picking up the can of "Hit" (yes, I keep it at the entrance to my room during the day and beside my bed stand at night), and the spray meeting the roach midair. He was heading straight for me!!! That done, I ran for dear life. The roach's not mine. After much pestering , a good samaritan went into the room and declared the enemy dead. I did not concede till I saw the remains. After all I had to spend the night in that room. The body has been taken care of and I am a heart attack survivor.
But at least I can sleep in peace! For now that is.
Survival of the fittest, eh?
So much so that I couldn't bring myself to upload a snap of the infamous critter here! Specially when he is looking face up with antenna's moving around. Yeuuuchhh!!! The flying kind can send me fleeing and screaming like a banshee.
And guess what is even more infuriating? A close encounter earlier today, left me wondering what the exact term was for this fear? Yeah, you guessed right. It is Entomophobia . But this term includes the fear of all insects and bugs. It is just not fair I tell you. No bug is as horrific as the roach. Its fear deserves a separate name.
So I search some more and stumble across some sites. They gave the term Katsaridaphobia for the fear of roaches. I do not know whether this is a valid term. Not that I care. I am a content soul just because such a term exists.
That brings me back to my close encounter. Earlier today I entered my room only to see a big brown roach sitting on my copy of "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy". I do not know whether he was trying to convey some subliminal message that he was actually an alien. Which would off course explain their tenacity and adaptability. For a moment I forgot my fears. I found myself wondering if this roach was a hitchhiking kind of an alien or a smarter than human and secretly ruling us kind of an alien. Should I grasp the bigger picture the book tries to convey(I am still reading it) and live and let live?
The roach probably found my lack of reaction encouraging and proceeded to spread his wings.

Need I say more? What followed was a scene from "The Matrix". Me bending down and picking up the can of "Hit" (yes, I keep it at the entrance to my room during the day and beside my bed stand at night), and the spray meeting the roach midair. He was heading straight for me!!! That done, I ran for dear life. The roach's not mine. After much pestering , a good samaritan went into the room and declared the enemy dead. I did not concede till I saw the remains. After all I had to spend the night in that room. The body has been taken care of and I am a heart attack survivor.
But at least I can sleep in peace! For now that is.
Survival of the fittest, eh?
Labels: My diaries